_We have new living organisms in our classroom! Welcome: BESS BEETLES!
We are currently studying Life Structures in our most recent science unit. Students work with living organisms to explore different functions: growth, survival, and reproduction. Students have been comparing the properties of seeds and fruits, germinate seeds, and grow plants hydroponically to observe plant life cycle. They have maintained crayfish and now Bess beetles, and will observe and compare their structures and behaviors. Students were introduced to the Bess beetles this week during the first investigation. They noted their observations and gently handled their new beetle-friends. I too conquered my fear of the patent-leather-looking beetles!

3/7/2012 10:37:29 am

I can see that mrs.leifer does not like the bess beetles

3/8/2012 12:01:18 am

Hi Cody! I didn't mind the bess beetles too much... They were sort of creepy feeling when they were crawling on my arm, though! :)

3/11/2012 11:24:19 am

The bess beetles was crawling on my arm and it was not creepy!


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