Today was an exciting day! I got to meet my new fourth grade students. One day completed and I was able to remember each student's name.
Chris, Kayley, Aaliyah, Chase, Jonathan, Jerome, Anisha, Austin, Gabriel, Kareem, Jilian, Brett, Mark, Zachery, Ayanna, Dajor, Darren, Jimmy, and Nelson. I am so happy to have all 19 of you in my classroom. Hold on tight! Our fourth grade year has begun!
With winter break creeping closer, the holiday cheer is certainly in the air. To brighten up our room during the dreary winter days, I brought in a small tree with ornament. Thinking it would be a simple and quick task during breakfast, I realized how much it meant to the students. They were intent with focus while decorating our "4th Grade Family Tree." I was so proud to see them work together patiently, and to hear them exchange kind words. I am so lucky to have such a wonderful classroom-family! It truly is the most wonderful time of the year...
That same day we continued our Polar Express unit. After reading the book, the 4th grade cozy-ed up in our room to watch the movie. Afterward we made comparisons between the text and the movie.

Just like students, teachers also get nervous about the first day of school. Today is the day before school starts and I was talking to Mrs. Dean in my room about how excited we were for school to start. All of a sudden we both felt very shaky...
Could it be first day jitters?

The BUILDING was shaking! We were experiencing the shock-waves of an earthquake that struck in Mineral, Virginia at 1:51 PM. The magnitude (or size) of the earthquake was measured at 5.8.

A few stacks of our Classroom Library books were swaying with the earth's movements. It was quite a thrilling experience and an exciting way to start the new school year! I have included a few photos of minor damage that occurred at Bester right after the earthquake. So glad that everyone and everything is safe and OK!

Did you feel the earthquake? What were you doing when it happened? How did it feel to you? I thought it was very scary but also a very unusual feeling to feel an earthquake. I can't wait to meet you tomorrow and hopefully you will share your earthquake experience with me!  

Things have settled down after today's earthquake. I am still feeling jitters, but I don't think I am feeling them from the earth... I'm just really excited about meeting you tomorrow!

Mr. Leifer came to the school after work and helped me finish a few final things in the room before your arrival tomorrow. He sharpened pencils for such a long time that I thought he had turned into a zombie!

We worked late into the evening getting everything prepared for our big day tomorrow. From our second floor window we had the most spectacular view of the sunset. The sky melted into the most beautiful colors.

I took a picture for you to see... Aren't the colors beautiful?


Mr. Leifer even brought some dinner for us to eat while we were working. He is very thoughtful!

Although our room might seem a little bare (basic or simple) now, together, and throughout the next few weeks, we will create a classroom where each of us loves to come and learn each day.

Sleep tight my new 4th Graders. Tomorrow will be a very special day!

Friday, August 12, 2011. Today the temperature was HOT! I was so excited because I had plans to move into my first classroom. I couldn't wait!

My husband, Mr. Leifer, took a day off of work to help. We reorganized the room, cleaned it, arranged the desks, and we even painted! Being in the classroom made me so excited to meet my students in a few weeks. I included a few photos for you to see our busy first day in the classroom...

All photo rights belong to Mrs. Leifer. Please do not copy.