
Things have settled down after today's earthquake. I am still feeling jitters, but I don't think I am feeling them from the earth... I'm just really excited about meeting you tomorrow!

Mr. Leifer came to the school after work and helped me finish a few final things in the room before your arrival tomorrow. He sharpened pencils for such a long time that I thought he had turned into a zombie!

We worked late into the evening getting everything prepared for our big day tomorrow. From our second floor window we had the most spectacular view of the sunset. The sky melted into the most beautiful colors.

I took a picture for you to see... Aren't the colors beautiful?


Mr. Leifer even brought some dinner for us to eat while we were working. He is very thoughtful!

Although our room might seem a little bare (basic or simple) now, together, and throughout the next few weeks, we will create a classroom where each of us loves to come and learn each day.

Sleep tight my new 4th Graders. Tomorrow will be a very special day!

3/6/2012 11:04:48 am

you do work hard


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All photo rights belong to Mrs. Leifer. Please do not copy.