Friday, August 12, 2011. Today the temperature was HOT! I was so excited because I had plans to move into my first classroom. I couldn't wait!

My husband, Mr. Leifer, took a day off of work to help. We reorganized the room, cleaned it, arranged the desks, and we even painted! Being in the classroom made me so excited to meet my students in a few weeks. I included a few photos for you to see our busy first day in the classroom...
9/7/2012 09:27:58 am

Hey mrs.leifer i love u so much you are a great teacher any body knows that! you deserve respect and caring people that you know the whole year they will protect you and love you like a family. I just wanted to tell you that because every day you should exspect us to follow directoins and most importnant is...... TO LOVE YOU!!!! your friend Ayanna. Thomas!


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All photo rights belong to Mrs. Leifer. Please do not copy.